Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Major Incentives for Equipment Purchases in Year-End Tax Bill

Companies have something to cheer about when it comes to their upcoming large equipment purchases.  The new tax-law that went into effect this week includes 100% expensing for qualified capital investments, including investments in plants and equipment, for 2011 and a 50% deduction for 2012. This is great news as companies remain uncertain when it comes to the economic growth for business.
Mazuma Capital supports the ELFA in their crusades for the use of capital formation tax incentives.  The focus remains on the need to invest in plants and equipment as a key component of economic growth and competitiveness. The provision allowing the full deduction – without monetary limitations – of qualified capital investments through 2011 and the 50% bonus depreciation level for 2012 is a major win for economic growth.
We hope to see growth in manufacturing and in many industries whom have felt the pinch of the current economy.  Agriculture, construction, manufacturing and transportation outlooks seem positive as growth is reported.  We will all be routing for the best as we continue full steam ahead into 2011.

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