Tuesday, December 14, 2010

CFOs Cautiously Optimistic About 2011- Leasing Provides Great Options For Purchasing

According to Barrons.com it seems most CFO's are cautiously optimistic about the coming year and how the Economy will play out (http://blogs.barrons.com/stockstowatchtoday/?mod=BOL_hpp_stw)
Some of the largest concerns we see lingering are CFO's trying to find cash to pay for items as they plan for new purchases. The danger in using existing bank/credit lines or current cash can be detrimental if an emergency arises, or as our economy lie in a state of limbo. So what can CFO’s do now in planning for those much needed purchases??

Now more than ever it is time for CFO's to look towards leasing options for new equipment purchases.  With the uncertainty of the economy more businesses are looking at the benefits of leasing. Mazuma Capital can help you make the best choice for you and your company. Some of the many reasons clients have chosen to lease their capital equipment from Mazuma Capital are:
  • Obtain a fixed rate of capital
  • Ability to match the stream of payments with the useful life of /revenue generated from the equipment
  • Flexibility as to the deployment and use of equipment
  • Equipment management and replacement strategy
  • Preferential tax and accounting treatment
  • Deploy cash to more vital areas such as payroll, M&A, inventory, etc vs. into a depreciating asset
  • Avoid or eliminate technological obsolescence
  • Access to an inexpensive cost of capital
Whether you’re a fortune 500 NYSE company with the goal of maximizing ROE and EPS, or a large insurance company looking to convert some of your non-admitted assets into cash for capital and surplus benefits, it is important to find a leasing structure that lends to the success of your financial goals
From health care and HIPPA compliance to GAAP and SAP it is important to have a team of experts on your side when choosing your options.  Mazuma collectively takes over 100 years of leasing experience when crafting flexible leasing options for you.  With so many rules, governance, and changes there are no guarantees that there is always a solution, but rest assured that we will exhaust all of our resources in an attempt to satisfy your objectives.

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