Friday, November 5, 2010


You do not want to let the current Tax Breaks pass you by, allow Mazuma Capital to show you how to take advantage of these Tax Breaks in 2010.
Code Section 179 Expensing-
A qualifying taxpayer can choose to treat certain property as an expense and deduct it in the year the property is put into service, rather than depreciating it over several years.  The Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 increases the maximum deduction an eligible taxpayer may elect to claim to $500,000.  The qualifying property cap has also been raised to $2 million and will phase out, dollar-for-dollar, until the qualifying property cost exceeds $2.5 million.

Bonus Depreciation you don’t want to miss!
The Act also extends, through December 31, 2010.  This means you may take a 50% first year bonus depreciation deduction for qualifying property purchased and placed into service in 2010.  The real bonus- the depreciation deduction can be used in addition to the Section 179 deduction.
Now, more than ever, the financing of your equipment should be top of mind.  Contact Mazuma today and see how equipment financing can be a powerful tool for your business.

Mazuma Capital specializes in providing customized equipment lease financing solutions to businesses. Mazuma Capital is committed to delivering superior service and competitive products at the lowest possible cost. We work with companies of all sizes across all industries to craft custom leasing solutions. From short economic useful life equipment such as telephony and computer systems to vital revenue generating equipment such as heavy machinery and medical equipment.
For More Information Contact us

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